Working in a family business has many advantages but also poses new challenges on a daily basis. However, it delights me every day, especially when we get to present our products and do projects abroad (like in China). I admire my dad for his optimism and confidence. He is convinced that there is always a way and a solution.
A family business always involves emotions which influence every part of it, different from other kinds of business. Solidarity is the prime principle. With time, you work out the ideal way to treat each other. Interpersonal inharmoniousness is completely normal and in the end it promotes solidarity enormously. I am very happy and proud of my daughters who have settled for the family and the family project to carry my ideas and my vision on together with me.
It was important for me to support the family business right from the start. The beautiful part of the job is that you can contribute in all areas. From sales over marketing to product development – you are needed everywhere. And you travel a lot! Working in the family business means you have to have trust in each other to be able to collaborate even better.